So many people are looking for healthier breakfast ideas, right? And most people LOVE their coffee, but wonder if coffee is healthy or not.
We've always been telling people that drinking coffee is not that great for you, and there is some truth in that, mostly because of it's the way the coffee is prepared. It's not necessarily about caffeine intake, as you might think.
About 90% of the coffees out there are not organic, and because they are so heavily ridden with pesticides and herbicides, they're not the best choice for people. Then, the way the coffee is roasted is not that great, either. It can cause the creation of some toxic compounds that you don't want to be putting in your body.
But, there are companies out there like Purity Coffee. I want you to check out their website at
I have no affiliation with them; they don't know who I am. We just have been recommending them because the people at Purity are really paying attention to not only the quality of their organic coffee beans, but they also test their batches in three facilities around the world. They're really fastidious in terms of how they prepare the coffee, and that sets them apart from so many other coffee manufacturers.
Purity coffee beans are roasted in such a way that they raise the antioxidant level of the beans, which is already quite rich in coffee. And their particular process decreases the toxic compounds that can come from roasting coffee the wrong way.
Brands like Purity Coffee are really turning coffee into a health food. The research, I believe, backs that up. Check out their site, where they have information on all that, so you can read about the details of what sets them apart.
So if you love your coffee and you're looking for something for breakfast, you can make coffee your first meal of the day.
The way you do that is by adding certain healthy oils. I would encourage you to go online and look up bulletproof coffee recipes, which add healthy fat to your coffee. Look, we talk about this a lot in the Cellular Health Accelerator program.
Healthy fat is the biggest missing ingredient in the typical American's lives. We've been brainwashed into believing that fat is not healthy for you. Saturated fat, like in coconut oil in particular, we've been told is bad for us.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
You have to make a distinction between bad fats and good fats, for sure. When you drink coffee with these added fats in them, you are really boosting the nutritional value of that as a drink, and it can be your breakfast. It can be all you have for breakfast. Especially for those of you that are trying to cut your carbs, it can be a great breakfast.
But is coffee healthy? Good question.
So here's how you do it -- and this is how my wife loves her coffee. She'll add to the coffee in her cup a healthy fat of choice; she usually chooses coconut manna, or coconut butter. This is really just crushed-up coconut, but it has a sweetness to it that flavors the coffee just a touch.
Most people add something like coconut oil, which is widely available (thought it's easy to make your own coconut butter -- only one ingredient is necessary: shredded coconut!)
In terms of how much, it's a personal preference, but you could start with about a teaspoon. Some people like a full tablespoon. They'll add the coconut oil to the coffee, and then they may add something like grass-fed butter (I recommend Kerrygold or Amish Butter). Probably, you're going to prefer an unsalted version, but that's up to your particular tastes.
It's not enough to just plop some oil into your mug -- you have to mix it up to make it drinkable.
You can use a handheld immersion blender, a blender like a Vitamix, or a Bullet Blender. If you don't blend it, the oil will sit on top of the coffee, which isn't very appetizing. But when you blend it, it comes out more creamy, and then people really love the taste of it. Plus, you know you're getting the healthy fats.
Another tip? Try adding coconut milk to your coffee.
Choose an organic, full-fat version of coconut milk -- it's the healthiest choice. Be sure to check the ingredient label to ensure there are no unnecessary ingredients. You can also add things like cinnamon to it, or you can even add stevia. My wife has a hazelnut stevia that she will add to the coffee. You can add regular stevia. Some drops of alcohol-free vanilla.
There are a lot of things that you can do to change up your coffee consumption and keep it delicious and healthy at the same time.
I really encourage you to visit Then, you can get some understanding about the quality coffee that they make and the health benefits to that. And Google “bulletproof coffee recipes.” You'll be able to come up with more ideas that way.
It's just one of the most effective ways to start off your day with healthy fats, and can be mixed into your other beverages like tea throughout the day.
Research shows that the antioxidants in coffee are really helpful for us, but just look for the quality brands, and make it even better by trying out various fats that will make your coffee a healthful way to start your day.
This post is going to be short and sweet -- it's just a quick tip that I think most anyone can use.
One of the biggest problems that I see in our society is the inability to digest and assimilate food. Many, many thyroid patients in particular, in my experience, have a lot of gut damage. There's a relationship between a bad gut and the thyroid.
A lot of our sick patients have low energy as you can read on our reviews page. Many of you can identify with that.
So, we need to be able to get the raw materials for energy into the body, and that starts with digestion. With impaired digestion or compromised digestion, we're not gaining a benefit even in the healthy foods that a lot of you are eating. Even if you try to eat the right foods, you may not be taking in all their nutrients due to improper digestion.
Something simple that I recommend is either taking enzymes that'll help digest your food eating some pineapple. Just take a ring of pineapple, and have that before your meals. The enzymes in the pineapple help you to digest your food better, and it's really tasty all by itself. It may sound simple, but it can make a huge difference in your digestion!
Do you prefer watching videos to reading text? I made a short YouTube video on this subject that you can watch!
The other day, my wife and I were at the movie theater, and I got a text from a patient who was frustrated because she's not progressing as fast as she wanted to be. Then, the next day I talked to her on the phone, and sure enough, she's got some things in her life that she's being exposed to from a chemical standpoint that are potentially really hurting her. She just didn't know about it.
So many people that I see doing the right things either have an ongoing exposure to toxins, or have been exposed enough over a lifetime that they are harboring these chemicals in their body that won't allow their body to ever be healthy. The one thing that you can do is get rid of city water, if that's what you're drinking. Filter your water. Find a way. I have a well, and I made sure that my well water is clean through testing, but most don't have access to well water. In that case, you have to filter your water.
Chlorine is another thing that's in the water. Chlorine and fluoride are in the same family, and they compete with iodine in the thyroid. They will compete at the receptor site with iodine, meaning that iodine can't attach to the cells, and it can't send its signal. So, your body can't utilize it to manufacture more of the thyroid hormones.
That's just one example. So, if you're drinking city water, you've got to filter your water. My favorite water filter is manufactured by Berkey, and I'll tell you; it's pricey, but it's so worth it to take that extra measure in protecting your health. For all of us, even those who don't have a thyroid problem because, honestly, I could go into detail even as it relates to your husbands, how it could be contributing to weight gain, and fatigue, and things that we see in men across the board. In epidemic numbers, more and more, we're seeing so many of these Western-type, new-millennial-type diseases. So, I just wanted to bring that awareness to you and a couple of tips to help you make sure you're not affected by the harmful chemicals in most drinking water.