Is there any weather that isn't soup weather?

Okay, maybe when the thermometer starts to climb above 75-80. In my opinion, though, this AIP chicken soup is a great choice any time of year.

Chicken soup is the ultimate comfort food.

It's tasty whether you're sick or feeling fine. This AIP recipe puts a spin on healthier chicken soup by being totally free from inflammatory ingredients.


Your Ingredient List


For this AIP chicken soup, you'll need some of the usual ingredients, as well as a few that might surprise you. There are plenty of fresh herbs in it, too. Using dried will suffice, if that's all you have on hand, though I'd really recommend if you're going to splurge on one herb, make it the parsley. Dried parsley just doesn't substitute for fresh!


Here are your ingredients:



The Step-By-Step Process


Let me break down each step of this AIP chicken soup recipe to make it easy for you to follow. First, gather up your ingredients so you have everything right at hand.


ingredients for AIP chicken soup


Get out a large stockpot and set the stove burner to medium heat.


Then, add in the avocado oil, celery, carrots, sea salt, and garlic, if you're using that. I love a garlicky taste, but I know some people just don't care for it.


veggies for AIP soup


Let that combination saute for about 5-7 minutes so that the veggies start to soften up.


Next, you'll add in the the sage, oregano, rosemary, and chicken.


AIP chicken soup


Now the soup is really starting to come together. Your kitchen should be nice and fragrant, thanks to those herbs (and the garlic, if you've added that!).


At this point, you'll want to carefully pour in your bone broth. Toss in the noodles and parsley after that, stirring it all to combine.


AIP chicken soup


The final step is allowing the noodles you've added to cook through. In total, you'll want to let it boil for as long as the package directions on the noodles say, so that they get cooked through.


The noodles I chose took about 15 minutes to fully cook through, since bringing the whole contents of the stockpot to boil can take some time.


Be sure to let it cool for a bit before serving, or ladle into bowls and let it cool that way. Your finished product should look something like this:


finished AIP chicken soup


Not bad, right?


I think it's one of those recipes that the entire family, including kids or grandkids, would go nuts for!


I'll get to some common questions you might have about this recipe.


Is chicken noodle soup healthy?

The more traditional forms of chicken noodle soup involve some ingredients I try to stay away from, and I recommend people who are having symptoms of ill health stay away from, too.

The biggest issue I have with soup is that most people tend to buy theirs in a can. This soup has sat in a metal container for months, or even years. That cannot be good for our bodies.

Even freshly-made chicken noodle soups contain, at the very least, noodles that are made with conventional flour. I do not recommend eating conventional flour, which is why my recipe contains cassava flour.


What is cassava pasta?

Cassava is a member of the tuber family, just like a potato or sweet potato. It's nice and starchy and has a nutty taste, which makes it the perfect ingredient to make pasta. Cassava pasta is AIP compliant, so you won't have to worry about this pasta setting you back on your health journey.


What is the difference between bone broth and chicken broth?

If you've looked at any of my recipes before, you know that I am a big fan of bone broth. You can't compare your typical soup broth to bone broth. Bone broth is full of collagen and minerals. It's extremely gut healing and can even be a replacement for your morning coffee (yes, tons of my clients love to have a mug of bone broth in the morning!). I think everyone should drink at least a cup of bone broth a day. Regular broth is much thinner and less flavorful, in addition to having a less robust nutrient profile.

Could you use it anyway? If that's what you have on hand, absolutely.


Is this an anti-inflammatory soup?


This chicken soup recipe is totally AIP compliant, which refers to the autoimmune protocol style of eating. AIP cuts out ingredients that are known to be inflammatory, such as processed sugar, nightshades, and grains, amongst others. You can definitely think of this soup as anti-inflammatory, because the ingredients it contains will not fan the fires of inflammation that are occurring in most Americans.


Interested in most anti-inflammatory soup recipes?


I've published a few. Just click on any below to be taken to those recipes!

Here's the full recipe:



AIP Chicken Soup

The ultimate in comfort food - but free from inflammatory ingredients!
Course Soup
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people


  • 2 tsp avocado oil
  • 4 carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 3 celery stalks, washed and sliced
  • 2 tsp sea salt
  • 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1 tbsp freshly chopped sage
  • 1 tbsp freshly chopped oregano
  • 1 tbsp freshly chopped rosemary
  • 3 cups cooked and shredded chicken
  • 8 cups chicken bone broth
  • 1 box AIP cassava noodles
  • 1 cup freshly chopped parsley


  • In a large stockpot over medium heat, add the first five ingredients, and saute for 5-7 minutes.
  • Next add the sage, oregano, rosemary, and chicken.
  • Add in the broth, noodles, and parsley  and stir to combine.
  • Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 15 minutes, or until the noodles are cooked through.
  • Let the soup rest for five minutes before serving.
Keyword AIP

AIP Chicken soup

There are a lot of foods a person can miss when they turn toward a healthier style of eating. I personally get cravings for pizza every now and again. I can't tell you how many people have told me that what they miss the most is donuts. I want to help you satisfy your cravings with this healthier version: AIP paleo donuts!

What sweet treat could be better than homemade gluten-free donuts? I'm on a mission to show people that they don't need to resort to buying sugar-laden, carb-heavy donuts when they want to treat themselves. You can make healthier versions of just about anything!

And donuts are no exception. This recipe is for gluten-free, dairy-free donuts that won't put your blood sugar on a crazy roller coaster all day. Now, I'm not saying you should make them and eat the whole batch. But you can certainly eat them without beating yourself up about it.

Let's get to it!

Your Ingredient List for AIP Paleo Donuts


These AIP paleo donuts contain some pantry staples, but there might be some new things in this list, too. For example, tiger nut flour isn't typically anything people have in their cupboards. But if you typically eat paleo or AIP, then you might already know all about tiger nuts. I'll talk a bit about that in the questions below and hopefully answer anything you might be wondering about these ingredients.


Here is your ingredient list for these baked applesauce donuts:



Then, there are two optional toppings. Well, in reality, there are a ton of toppings you could use depending on what you like. But I recommend you also have coconut sugar and coconut butter, because both are super tasty on these paleo donuts!


The Step-By-Step Process to Making Healthier Donuts


Let me show you each step involved in these AIP paleo donuts.


First off, you're going to get all the ingredients out and put them on your counter, so they're easily accessible. That list is found just above. Then, preheat your oven to 350℉ so that it's warmed up to the right temperature when you're done assembling your healthy donuts. 


Ingredients for gluten-free donuts



In a large bowl, you're going to add your cassava flour, tigernut flour, arrowroot flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and gelatin. Mix all that together to combine.


gluten-free donuts


With all those dry ingredients mixed for your paleo donuts, it's time to move onto the wet ingredients. In a second bowl, you'll add the applesauce, coconut oil, bananas, maple syrup, and coconut cream. Mix that to combine. Alternatively, if you've got an accessible blender, you can skip the bowl and toss the wet ingredients in there. It's up to you!


Then, it's time to combine the ingredients. Put the wet into the dry, since the bowl with your dry ingredients is a larger one. Mix this until it's well-combined.

Ingredients for gluten-free donuts



The next step is to add the blueberries. I'd recommend folding them in, which means you gently combine using your spatula or spoon.


blueberry paleo donuts


I used a donut pan for this recipe. You can easily find one online if you don't already have one.


Grease that donut pan up. I typically use coconut oil, because it works well and tolerates a high level of heat. Keep in mind that your batter is thicker than it would be if you were making a cake, or even another type of donut. So when you put the batter in the donut pan, use your hand to mold the shape of them.


homemade paleo donuts



You're going to let these AIP paleo donuts bake for 30 minutes in your oven that was preheated and is up to the proper temperature by now.


I'd try to allow these gluten-free donuts to cool before trying, but I know it's going to be hard to resist this:


gluten-free donuts


If you're using coconut butter as an optional topping, keep in mind that it's going to melt and run off the donuts if they aren't completely cooled.


After you top them, they'll look something like this:


finished gluten-free donuts


Irresistible, right?


Let's get to some common questions about my AIP Paleo donuts recipe!


What is tiger nut flour?


You might think tiger nuts are a nut -- but they're not! Tiger nuts are a member of the tuber family, which includes potatoes and sweet potatoes. Though not as common today, tiger nuts are thought to have been the primary food that cavemen ate thousands of years ago. Since tiger nuts are not actually a nut, they're totally AIP compliant. Many people who eat AIP find them to be a great substitute for their favorite nut. You can even make a tiger nut butter that is quite similar to peanut butter.


Tiger nut flour is made from the ground-up tiger nuts. It's a fairly common ingredient in AIP baking, and I wouldn't advise you to substitute something else for it. If you can't find it at your local store, Amazon is always an option.


Are these donuts gluten-free?


You might think that gluten-free donuts are too good to be true. But this recipe proves otherwise! Yes, these donuts are gluten-free and dairy-free. You don't need traditional, gluten-filled flours to make incredibly delicious baked goods. Though that's what has been typically used for years and years, there are so many great websites out there that will show you how to make healthier versions of your favorite treats. I hope that my website blog is one of your favorites!


Why AIP paleo donuts?


A paleo diet mimics what our ancestors ate thousands of years ago. The idea behind it? That our bodies aren't matched to a modern diet. Getting back to the style of eating that we were meant to have will give us better overall health. And there are ways to make just about anything you eat now paleo. The foods cut out of a paleo diet include processed foods, dairy, legumes, grains, and refined sugar.

The paleo diet is heavy on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, meats, and healthy oils. Learn more about it here.


Are donuts healthy?


Your typical donut contains ingredients such as flour, sugar, yeast, milk, and oil for frying. Because of that, the donuts you buy in stores are a pretty unhealthy combination. This applesauce baked donut recipe will satisfy any craving you have for donut without any of the ingredients that will sabotage the healthier lifestyle choices you're trying to make.


Why use gelatin for baking?

A lot of people think of gelatin and their mind goes right to that wiggly, jiggly gelatin treat many of us ate as kids. Gelatin is an ingredient commonly used in baking. It's a protein, and it works to help things set or thicken. That's exactly what it's designed to do in this recipe -- give structure to the donuts .


Ready for the full recipe? Check it out below!

AIP Paleo donuts

AIP Paleo Donuts

A healthier, gluten-free, dairy-free donut!
Course Dessert, Snack


  • 1 Donut pan
  • 2 mixing bowls


  • 1 cup cassava flour
  • 1/2 cup tigernut flour
  • 1/2 cup arrowroot flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
  • 3 tbsp gelatin
  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 2 ripe bananas, chopped
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup plus two tablespoons coconut cream
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries

Optional toppings

  • coconut butter
  • coconut sugar


  • Preheat the oven to 350℉.
  • In a large mixing bowl, add the cassava flour, tigernut flour, arrowroot flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and gelatin, mixing to combine.
  • In a separate bowl, add the applesauce, coconut oil, bananas, maple syrup, coconut cream, mixing to combine. You can also add to a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, mixing until well-combined.
  • Fold in the blueberries.
  • Grease a donut pan and, using a spoon, equally distribute the batter. You’ll have to use your hand to help mold the donuts, since this batter will be a bit thicker than typical donut batter.
  • Bake for 30 minutes, allow to cool, then top with optional toppings.
Keyword AIP, Healthier dessert, paleo

gluten-free donuts

The state of health in the Western world isn't looking too good right now. In more than 35 years in practice, I've seen that our health is sliding consistently downhill. The average person is really suffering -- and unnecessarily so.

In America, we are arguably the sickest nation there is. We spend more on health care than the next 10 countries combined.

Yet we have more disease than any other nation.

And some of these diseases were not even in existence until more recently. Things are getting worse, not better.

America makes up about 5% of the world's population, but we consume 50-60% of the world's pharmaceuticals.

Clearly, this is not a recipe for good health. 

I recently read the other day that the current generation being born in the U.S. is expected to be the first generation that will not outlive their parents.

It's because of the choices we're making and what we're being exposed to.

The amount of health issues we have is daunting. And I think it's just the tip of the iceberg. If we don't start to address the root cause of WHY we are sick, we are in for a tsunami of health crises.


The Foundation of Your Health

You've heard me mention it before: the cells of the body. They're our foundation. Everything that happens in the body, has to occur at the cell level. That means when something is wrong, it's because the cells aren't working as they should. 

No disease or symptom occurs independent of the cells. None! 

The membrane is like the brain of the cell. It lets in good stuff like nutrients, hormones, and oxygen. And it also lets the bad stuff, like waste and toxins, get out. The dynamic of "good stuff in, bad stuff out" is what keeps you health.

The reason that so many people are unhealthy is because the cells are damaged, and aren't working like they should. 


The Four Things You NEED to Change

People come to me all the time and says, "What are some simple switches I can make?" 

I have four principles that I inform these people about. 


Healthy Fats - Dr. Bill Cole

1. Fats

Get rid of the bad, inflammatory fats like vegetable oil, corn oil, canola oil, trans fats, and margarines. They are rancid and cause dysfunction and disease. But then at the same time, you need to add in good fats. Why? The cell membrane is made of two layers of fat. it should be semi-permeable, but it loses permeability from being chronically inflamed. But you can heal the membrane! Consume good, healthy fats like


2. Proteins

You can also switch out unhealthy proteins for better choices. The beef or chicken we eat shouldn't be what's kept in a cage where the animal develops disease because of the unsanitary conditions they live in. Or when farmed fish are raised in a pen and fed an unnatural diet, turning their meat gray and then being dyed orange to make it look more appealing. The way these animals are being raised actually changes the makeup of the meat, and it becomes an inflammatory food.

Look for grass-fed beef. Free-range chicken and eggs. Wild-caught fish. Avoid farmed fish and conventionally farmed animals.


Sugary foods - Dr. Bill Cole

3. Sugar

This is a big one. Today, we consume far too many carbohydrates. It's not just sugar, either. Foods that turn into sugar include rice, pasta, breads, biscuits, cereal -- all the things I was raised on! I came from the time of the food pyramid, where we were told to have 6-11 servings of those foods each day. It's no wonder we're sick and overweight. 

We've got to cut out the foods that contain sugar, or readily turn to sugar. It's what is driving so much inflammation at the cell level. 

Sugar damages the gut as well as drives inflammation in the body. It really upsets the gut ecology. Have you heard of the gut-brain connection? If you have a damaged gut, you will wind up with brain-related symptoms, too. A damaged gut disturbs your digestion, so you won't digest and assimilate your food like you should. Your gut is likely chronically inflamed, and you may even have a "leaky gut," which feeds more inflammation throughout the body.

If you're going to have sugar, you need to have the natural versions. Honey, in moderate amounts. Fruit like berries and apples (buy organic whenever possible!).


4. Water

Most people don't drink enough water. And then, the water they DO drink is chlorinated and fluoridated. Chemicals like chlorine are designed to kill things. So what effect do you think that has on the body? 

The natural microbiome the body has plays a huge role in the gut-brain connection and on our brain function. When we disturb the balance of bacteria in the body, the bad bacteria begins to proliferate. 

You have to make sure the water you're drinking is clean. 

I have a well at my house, and I've had it tested to make sure the water quality is good. But I still bought a Berkey countertop filter. You pour a gallon in, and then you know that's about what you'll drink in a day. We have one in the office, too, and it does a great job of purifying water. 


The Bottom Line

If you are willing to make these four switches, I promise you: it will make a difference. You need to be diligent and stay strict about it. Most people try to justify eating bad goods because they also ate a good one that day. But that's throwing gasoline on the fire. You have to put out that fire if you're truly going to improve your health. 

Try these changes for 90 days. Set your mind to it. Clean up what you're putting in the body. Get rid of the bad stuff and only take in the good stuff. Start healing your gut and brain, and you're going to see a tremendous transformation in your health, like I do with nearly all of my clients. 

Today, I want to discuss one of my all-time favorite subjects. It probably affects you, or someone you love. 

It's low energy. 

So many of my clients want to know, "Why am I suffering from low energy?" "Is there a way to get my energy back?" "Why don't I have any energy?" 

It's rare that I have a client who DOESN'T complain of low energy. When we ask, "Where is your energy, on a scale of 1-10?" The answer is usually somewhere between two and five. 

People are feeling just...diminished. Their quality of life takes a hit from that lack of energy. 

Yes, It Comes Back to the Cell! 

So what I want to do is make you understand what low energy really is. In doing so, you know how you can help yourself start to get out of that rut. 

The cells of our body allow good things (like nutrients) to get in, and the bad stuff (like waste products) to get out. But when we we get...

...then we end up damaging the membrane of the cells of the body. this membrane is supposed to be permeable, allowing the good things to get in and the bad things to get out. But chronic inflammation causes the cell membrane to become impermeable. 

So now, let's turn to how energy is made. 

The way energy is made in our body is through mitochondria. They're our little energy factories. The mitochondria produce something we call ATP, which acts as gasoline for our cells. 

If you aren't producing enough ATP, you're running low on gasoline.

People with chronic inflammation, even if they currently eat a good diet, the nutrients they take in can't get into the cell. Then, they don't have the raw materials to make the energy they need.

The result is a deficiency of ATP. You're low in energy thanks to cells that are chronically inflamed. 

And at that point, you'll start to crave carbs and sugar. 


Because it's the fastest form of energy! If you don't have enough energy, you'll start to crave that fast energy. 

But here's the beautiful thing: when you start dealing with this energy problem and fix the cell membrane, you can actually address the root cause of low energy. 

When you fix the cell, you can start making more ATP. Your energy level will shoot up, and bonus: you won't crave sugar anymore! 

You CAN break the habit. You CAN set yourself free. A constant craving for sugar is not natural. But when the cells start receiving the good stuff, those cravings will decrease, and you'll be free. With this freedom, you can take your health to wherever you'd like it to be. 

If you want more details, please visit to learn about my root cause perspective that has helped thousands of clients. 

There is a big problem in our society today that I want to talk about: weight loss resistance.

In today's society, it is an epidemic problem. Mostly, weight loss resistance affects women. But more and more men that I'm seeing, no matter how little calories they consume, no matter how much they exercise, they simply have lost the ability to burn fat. 

Just like everything, I have to ask, "What's the cause?"

It's all due to an underlying hormone problem, but it's different than what you might initially think. If you went to the average person and asked them about hormone problems, they'd probably say that it's due to "not having enough hormones." They'd assume a man has low testosterone, or a woman is deficient in estrogen.

I'm not saying that doesn't exist, but it typically is not what the root issue is. Most people are actually dealing with the inability of those hormones to get into the cells of the body and do their job!

It all goes down to the cell level, which is exactly what we do in my practice. Our cells are our foundation. Everything happens at the cell level -- including any dysfunction you have. Whether it's feeling tired all the time or the inability to lose weight, you can trace it back to the cells.

So let's talk a little bit about that. The typical person that we see is a female who is experiencing health problems, most often tied to thyroid health. They have become hormone resistant. 

The hormones in the body that help burn fat, such as T3, the active thyroid hormone, and leptin, which is the master control hormone, can't get into the cell. The membrane of the cell has been damaged by factors such as 

Because of these factors, the hormones can't get into the cell. You've created a barrier. There are only two ways you get energy: from carbohydrates, or from fat. 

Most of the people that we see are stuck in sugar-burning mode/carb-burning mode, and that's why they crave carbs. They're going from meal to meal to meal, utilizing carbohydrates as their fuel source, and as a result, their bodies have become pretty bad at tapping into their fat reserves.

How to Become a Fat Burner

So, you have to change this dynamic. You've got to fix the cell. You've got to eliminate toxins. You've got to start eliminating bad fats. Eliminate the sugars. You need to replace the bad fats with good fats because the cell membrane is made of fat, so you want plenty of good fats in the body. 

I know: you've been told time and time again that fat makes you fat. It causes heart disease and other health problems. But I'm telling you, nothing could be further from the truth! 

You have to make a distinction between good and bad fats.

When you put all these factors into play, you can fix your cells and become less hormone resistant. 

There are other benefits, too. For example, if you skip a meal, would you normally get shaky or weak? That's a typical symptom of a sugar-burner. But when you're a fat burner, your body will naturally turn to using your fat stores for energy. 

Each day, I get to hear about success stories from my practice of people who get incredible results from fixing the cell. They might have had hormone issues for decades. But when they address their health on a cellular level, these people can reclaim the normal physiology of the body. It's an exciting thing! 

Here's the bottom line: to beat weight loss resistance, you've got to turn yourself over into a fat burner instead of a sugar burner. You do that by getting rid of sugar, by getting rid of bad fats, by eliminating or finding out where these toxins are in your life, and in reducing them as much as possible. And then you add good fat into a nice, clean diet, and you're going to start to see changes like everybody that we see in our practice.

If you want to hear more about cellular health, please consider watching my FREE Masterclass

Let's start by defining a few things. In our gut, we have this internal environment that is made up of what we would call "good bacteria," and "bad bacteria." A balance between the two is integral to our health. Balance for your gut health

We're finding out so much more about how the health of our gut is related to everything in our body, from brain function to energy levels, to the ability to lose weight and digest your food. The list is just endless because it has to do with all parts of us.

These are things we didn't know that long ago, but we're finding out more and more that the balance in this internal environment is playing such a role in our health.

The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates said over 2,000 years ago that he believed all disease begins in the gut. I don't know if that's entirely true, but I know so much of what we see disease-wise today has some relationship to a bad gut. So, we want to make sure our gut is healthy.

How You May Be Damaging Your Gut

So, let's talk about these microorganisms that so many of the patients that I see are deficient in. They're deficient in these things because of the foods that we're eating in large part, antibiotics we've been taking, antibacterial soaps, the chlorine we drink in our water, and the pesticides that we may have in our foods. These things that are designed to kill living things or wiping out our internal environment, really decimating our good bacteria, and they're allowing the bad bacteria to take over.

We need to change that dynamic. If you're having anxiety, if you're having brain fog, energy issues, you have to understand that any solution starts with a healthy gut. You need the ability to digest your food. Even if you're eating a good diet, but you're not able to take advantage of that because your gut is so bad that you're not able to digest and assimilate the good food you're eating, you're not going to get that benefit from those foods.

We want to talk about a couple of things here. But there's two things I want you to understand: prebiotic and probiotic. Most of us have heard about probiotics. These are the actual microorganisms. The good stuff that's in our gut and helps us do all of these good things. A lot of people today are taking probiotics, but I want you to understand something. Man is never going to put into a pill what God provided for us in our food.

The Probiotics You Need

The best probiotics might already been in your kitchen. My four favorite probiotics are raw sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha.

When you eat sauerkraut, you have to make sure that it's raw sauerkraut. If it's been cooked, the probiotics, the good bacteria have been destroyed.

Kimchi is a Korean dish. It's kind of similar to sauerkraut in the sense that its base is cabbage, but it tastes different. They have spicy versions of it, but you usually will find this in a health food store. Sauerkraut for gut health

Kefir is something I absolutely love. If you're not sensitive to dairy, making your own kefir is what I really recommend for people who have this abnormal relationship between good and bad bacteria. It's loaded with the good probiotics. I like to start with raw goat's milk. There are all kinds of recipes online. It's so much better than anything you're going to buy in the store if its source is that raw milk to begin with. Organic, grass-fed milk is going to be your absolute best choice. Kefir is super easy to make, and it's super loaded with probiotics.

Kombucha is something a lot of people don't know about. It's a fermented tea. A lot of stores are carrying it now. It comes in different flavors.

Working these four things into your diet are going to provide you with the probiotics that you need to repair a gut when it's been damaged after a lifetime of abuse. 

Don't Forget the Prebiotics

Prebiotics are not that well understood. We hear so much about probiotics, but we don't hear all that much about prebiotics. That doesn't mean you should underestimate the importance of prebiotic foods, however! Let me give you an analogy. Prebiotics for your gut health

You remember the Pac-Man game back in the day where the yellow Pac-Man was eating the dots? Imagine that the Pac-Man is the probiotics, a living organism. The prebiotics would be the dots that the yellow Pac-Man eats. It's the food for the probiotics.

These are the foods here that are most readily-accessible for most people, but just understand that concept that the probiotics eat the prebiotics. So, it's nourishing the probiotics and supporting this healthy environment in our gut.

Some of the prebiotics you can enjoy include raw garlic, raw leeks, asparagus, and onions. You can cook the onions or have them raw.  

In essence, what you really need to understand is that high-fiber foods are going to be good for you from a prebiotic perspective. I hope that helps you guys understand that if you want to fix your gut, you've got to make sure you got the healthy bacteria. But you have to make sure that you have the food that allow the healthy bacteria to thrive. 

Interested in supportive products for your gut? We have a whole store you can browse through. Head to and take a look around! 



I've always done case histories with my patients when they first come to the office. Back in the day, we would ask them about their anxiety. Do they have any anxiety symptoms? It was really a lot rarer back then. Today, it's pretty common, to the point that a full 40 million Americans have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. That's 20% of our adult population, and it's getting worse. That's scary! 

When we're talking about anxiety, it can be anything from generalized anxiety disorder to full blown PTSD and everything in between. Ultimately, it’s even affecting us physically. We can wind up with chronic fatigue-type syndromes, constant muscle tension, and pain in our body. Even insomnia may occur, where people can't fall asleep, or if they do fall asleep they have trouble getting back to sleep upon waking in the middle of the night. That's something I see all the time.

The real issue is what we're doing for it treatment-wise. The pharmaceuticals that are being used today are really hit and miss, at best. But the problem is that they all have side effects! You see, there's no such thing as a drug without side effects. Every drug is a toxin. I'm not saying there's not a time and a place to take these pharmaceuticals. I'm just telling you that every drug is a toxin. Nobody would argue that. That's why they have side effects, and unfortunately these side effects with these types of medications for anxiety and depression can be onerous.

And now, we know they increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease. Can you imagine that? Here, we have a medication that you're taking for your brain that increases your likelihood of developing Alzheimer's, the fastest-growing disease in our society today.

Well, here’s the good news. In my years of experience, I've seen natural things that not only work just as well, but don't have any side effects. The good thing is they often times will get to the root cause of why the person has anxiety to begin with. There's never been a medication that's going to address the root cause of your problem because you don't lack medications. That's not why we develop anxiety or things like depression.

Here's How to Take Control of Your Anxiety

But, when you do these two things that I'm going to tell you right now, and incorporate them into your life, if you're like most of our patients, you're going to see some really positive results.

#1. Exercise

This first one is probably something you've already heard about. We are a nation of couch potatoes, right? Whether it's the jobs we have, whether they're sedentary or whether it's being on a computer all day long or our smartphones, or we're watching television. A lot of us are just not getting the exercise or activity or movement in our lives that we need, that our body needs to be healthy.

The great thing about exercise is that there's so many different kinds. What I've found to be the most effective for the brain and for the hormones is something called high-intensity interval training (HIIT). There are all kinds of ways to do it. 

If you're on a treadmill, instead of being like a gerbil on a treadmill where you're going for 60 minutes at the same pace, you're going to alter the pace of your workout, and it might only be 10 or 12 minutes long in total. Maybe even less in the beginning! How nice is that? You have an extra 50 minutes in your day to do other things that are going to be productive for you.

So here's how it works if you're on a treadmill: you warm up, get yourself loose, and then you increase the speed. You could increase the incline instead, or do a combination of both. You want to get to the point for 30 to 60 seconds that the exercise makes you breathless. Makes it difficult to talk. Your heart is beating rapidly, right? That type of intensity is going to do wonderful things for blood flow, for your hormones, and for your mind and body in general. 

After that 30 to 60 seconds, you back it down again. Go back to that walking speed, and then you catch your breath. That will take about two minutes, and then you do it again. Another 30 to 60 second burst at higher speed or incline, then another rest.

To start with, you might only repeat this cycle 2-3 times. Over time, as you become more conditioned, you want to build that up to where you're doing six of these bursts each session. What's great is that you don't need to do this type of exercise every day. The hormone benefits that come from this will last for a good 36 hours after you're done. So, just do this type of exercise every other day! 

#2. Diet

Besides the exercise, you want to change what you're doing diet-wise. If we're going to talk about root cause, you can't get away from what I teach my clients all the time, which is that every symptom and every disease can be traced back to the cell level of our body. You see, our cells are our foundation. They're the building blocks. They're the smallest living unit of all of us. This is where all function takes place, and if you're suffering from dysfunction, it is a guarantee that your cells have been impacted negatively. They're damaged and inflamed, which is when you'll start to notice symptoms occurring.

So let's take it down to that cell level. The membrane of each cell is composed of two layers of fat. It's called a bilipid layer. That bilipid layer is where the good stuff gets in and the bad stuff gets out. It allows that cell to stay healthy.

Unfortunately, things like too much sugar, too many bad fats, and too many toxins in our life will damage this membrane. And if this is your brain cells, and your brain cells are inflamed, that is potentially going to cause things like brain fog, anxiety, and depression. 

So, if we want to get down to that root cause level, we've got to affect the function of our cells, the health of our cells, and you're going to do that by stopping this consumption of too many bad fats and too much sugar, and we want to try and eliminate toxins as much as we can, too. There are definitely better choices you can make when it comes to your diet and anxiety. 

Speaking of diet, you should know that the average American consumes 120 to 150 pounds of sugar per person, per year. Do you know there was a time when it was 5-10 pounds per family per year? You can see just how off the charts that we are, and that doesn't include the artificial sugar! A lot of these artificial sugars are neurotoxins, meaning they damage our brain whenever these brain cells come in contact with these neuro-type of toxins.

So, we want to get rid of the bad fats. We want to get rid of the sugar. The bad fats are going to be corn oil, vegetable oil, canola oil, margarine, and things like trans fats. We need to switch to the good oils. The healthy oils are needed because the cell membrane is made of two layers of fat. Your brain is made of 60% fat. Just from that, you can understand how essential fat is for the function in our body.

We just have to start make a distinction between bad fats and good fats.

Good fats would be extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil, avocados, grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, free range eggs, right? These are going to be the healthy fats. And grass-fed butter! Don't forget that. Our ancestors ate a lot of butter. This will help to heal that fatty membrane and your brain, which again, is 60% fat.

When it comes to sugar, it's not just about cutting out candy. Think of foods that readily turn to sugar. For those of you that are already inflamed and have symptoms, even some relatively healthy foods like whole grains can be bad. This is because four seconds after they touch your lips, these grains begin breaking down into sugar in your body, and your body is too sensitive to sugar right now because we've over-consumed sugar. We're carb-a-holics in this country, and even in western society in general.

So, we want to cut back on the breads, the biscuits, the bagels, the rice, the pastas, and the cereals. All the things that we have way over-consumed for way too long.

When you do these two things, exercise the way I described, and get rid of the sugar and bad fats, then start working on healing yourself by adding in the good, healthy fats to your diet, you're going to start to see changes, just like my clients do. 

For those of you who prefer a more visual learning experience, I have a great YouTube video on this subject that I really encourage you to check out. There are even more on my YouTube channel for you to check out if you would like to learn more. I hope this helps! 

The other while I was working out at my gym, something struck me. There might have been about 15 people there; it wasn't very crowded. What struck me was that about 2/3 of the people there were women. Back in my day, my brother  I owned a Gold's Gym in our hometown for 10 years. Maybe about 10% of our members were women. Probably not even that. Things have changed, and you'll find more and more women understanding the benefits of exercise, weight training in particular.

As a natural health practitioner, I've not only seen in my own life in how training helped me reverse some developing health problems that I had at one time, but it's also something that I've seen play a really valuable role in allowing my clients to accomplish their health goals.

A lot of times, we think of weight training like something that will bulk you up. Today, you would think that those myths would be dispelled. But there's still a lot of women that believe that lifting weights makes them bulky. Nothing could be further from the truth, and you have to start reapting the benefits of weight training if you're not already!

Why I Changed My Life

Years ago, I wanted to raise my life insurance, and the life insurance company sent a doctor to my office. They drew blood and came back a week later. I had failed the examination. Here I am, a guy preaching health, and I failed the life insurance exam. I let myself go, and was doing things opposite of what I was telling my patients to do. I was just letting life get in the way. A lot of us are guilty of that, right? Living a life of convenience often means letting our health slide. 

I was busy. I had multiple practices. We had the gym business. Plus, I had four young kids. I just let things get in the way. I was shocked that I could fail that exam. 

The insurance company came back and told me that I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, that I had a fatty liver, my liver enzymes were elevated, and I was pre-diabetic. That's just what the blood test showed!

What I didn't explain to them was that I was dog-tired, I had brain fog, I had sleep issues, skin issues, and a lot of other symptoms that pointed to deteriorating health at a pretty young age. I was only in my 40s at the time. The thing that was really a punch to the solar plexus was failing that exam. It made me realize that I've got to go back and do the things that I was preaching to my patients.

My Transformation

So, I did it. I began doing everything that I'd always told my patients to do if they wanted to be healthy. A little bit over six months later, I had really changed physique-wise. More importantly, I had changed health-wise. All of my issues went away. My high cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and all. I was no longer pre-diabetic. All those symptoms disappeared.

 I felt like I took 20 years off the clock. I was reinvigorated!

It just made such a difference not only in how I looked, but how I felt. I became so much more productive. My mind became clearer. Exercise played a role in that, too. Yes, you have to change your diet! You have to quit throwing gasoline on a fire, or that fire, like we always preach, is the cells of our body that are inflamed and damaged. That's where sickness and disease begins. 

And here's the proof:

But besides diet, exercise plays a big role. Yes, it can change the way that you look, but that's more cosmetic. If you're interested in that, if you want to lose weight, if you want to tone up, there's absolutely nothing in my experience that's more productive than a combination of weight training and what I would call burst training, or high intensity interval training.

It doesn't take a lot of time to train like this. I spend no more than 30 minutes in the gym each time I'm there. Sometimes, if I'm only there doing burst training, I might only be there for 10 or 12 minutes! Then I'm back to my regular day. A lot of times, I do a workout at home. I have an elliptical trainer at my house, and I'll use it to do my burst training. 

Why You Should Consider a Training Regimen

My point to you is that what it did for me, besides change how I looked, is that it was useful in helping me get my health back! Exercise helped me with regaining lost strength,  increasing blood flow, improving my brain, and relieving my joints of the soreness that I felt all of the time. It made a tremendous difference in my quality of life. 

So, here is a rundown of what this type of exercise can do for you: 

✅  It reduces inflammation in your body

✅  It resensitizes hormones in your body

✅  It makes your cells more receptive to hormones 

That's how I was able to help get rid of my pre-diabetes. I was insulin resistant, but by resensitizing those cells, I was able to completely get rid of that.

Today in my practice, we have Type II diabetics regularly who come to us, who have been told by their medical doctor "There's nothing you can do, you are destined for a lifetime of taking this medication." We say, “Baloney!” There are things you can do! The evidence is out there, but the medical doctors are not reading their own research!

About 90-95% of Type II diabetes is completely reversible if you catch it early enough for sure, and if you address the root cause behind your diagnosis (you can learn more about this concept in my FREE Masterclass, which you can find at, if you're interested). 

Nobody is diabetic because they lack Metformin. The MDs wanted to put me on cholesterol medication and blood pressure medication, and I said, "No way; that's not what's going to fix my problem. I've got to address the reason why my cholesterol and my blood pressure and my triglycerides were elevated."

The Right Way to Exercise

Changing my diet, getting an exercise program, weight lifting with high-intensity training or burst training -- that's what turned it around for me. 

Know, though, that if you lift weights, you can just walk in the gym, grab a weight, do some repetitions, and stop. 

What I see too often, especially with older folks like me, not really lifting in a beneficial way. What I noticed when I was at the gym the other day is that the females really knew what they were doing. 

They were pressing it, and their last repetition was to near failure for some of these women.

One was doing overhead presses, and another was doing seated rows. They understand this concept that whenever you do resistance training, you want to take that to the point of near failure. You want to keep good form the whole time; you don't want to overdo the weight to the point that you end up hurting yourself, but in that 8, 12, even 15 repetition range, that last repetition should be tiring. You should barely be able to make it, and then when you're done (especially with bigger muscles like legs, back, shoulders, and chest), you should feel a little bit winded because anaerobically, you're working hard.

Lifting weights like that is going to be tiring, and that's exactly what you want.

That's my advice today -- look into doing a resistance training program in addition to changing your diet.

You don't have to spend a ton of time exercising. It can be 20 to 30 minutes, 3-5 days a week depending on the energy that you're going to exert each time. You can see pretty dramatic change with just a minimal amount of time spent in the gym. Don't let time be your excuse. 

Make the time for it, and you will see the benefits, just like I did. It'll not only change how you look, but it'll change how you feel, and it'll do things on the inside that a lot of people have never been made aware of. That's where true health comes from.

Why Coconut Milk? 

You might wonder why I use coconut milk over traditional cow's milk, or even choices like almond milk. Coconut milk is really, really rich in healthy fat. That's what is a big missing ingredient in the typical American diet, especially sick people. We've been told that we shouldn't have fat. That it makes us fat. That it gives us heart disease, especially saturated fat. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. It's something that we need to help heal ourselves, help burn fat, make hormones, and just regulate brain functions. There's so much about healthy fat that we need. That it does what we need in our body.

Counting Calories? 

I wanted to make mention of something else that people tend to have misconceptions about. This smoothie adds up to about 500 calories, which isn't too bad. A lot of people have been on calorie-deprivation diets for too long.

But there is still something to the idea that consuming too many calories when your body's not effectively able to burn those calories, especially the fat calories. That's something you need to work yourself into.

In the beginning, you might want to use a quarter or a third of the can of coconut milk. Over time, you'll notice your body becomes better at burning calories, and then you can start to use more and more of the coconut milk. But subtracting some of the coconut milk or fruit will keep your carbs down if you want to do that, and you don't need to add in any honey to sweeten if carbs are your concern. 

Don't be afraid to experiment with this breakfast recipe -- add in some spinach or anything else that will give it a nutritional boost! Healthy breakfast ideas don't have to involve complex recipes or costly ingredients. 

If you like getting information on nutrition, I highly recommend that you head over to my YouTube channel. I've got quite a few videos on there that will be of interest to you! 

I get a lot of questions about beef. What's the difference with different types and brands of red meat? Well, there's good...

...and there's bad beef.

Just like there is good and bad fat.

If you have a cow that never sees a blade of grass, and lives in a food lot, is given daily doses of antibiotics, regular doses of growth hormone...and then on top of that, these cows are force-fed corn and soy, then it produces an abnormal, unhealthy form of fat in that cow. That's not a form of red meat anyone should be eating. 

These substances, corn and soy, are very inflammatory in the body (both for humans and cows!). So, those are the things we want to try to avoid.

And I always bring my philosophy down to this: God food, man food. The stuff that God gave us from the beginning of time is the stuff that we need to be putting into our bodies to help build health. These foods will help us get over our difficult and chronic health conditions, because food truly can be medicine. There are foods that are highly inflammatory. There are foods that will reduce inflammation. Beef is a perfect example -- if you choose the right type of beef, it can help calm down that inflammation. If you choose conventional red meat, it's going to feed that inflammation. 

The Benefits of Choosing Grass-Fed

Then there’s organic, grass-fed beef. We buy it in our regular grocery store and Walmart carries it. Aldi carries it as well. We have a Giant Eagle in my area that carries it, too. It's a little bit more expensive, but not as much if you go to Aldi. Walmart, their prices are coming down, and you might be surprised at how affordable your grass-fed beef is there.

And truly, it's worth paying a bit more. 

These cows are allowed to live on green grass, and then that changes the makeup of their meat, producing an anti-inflammatory, cellular healing effect in the body. Don't let anybody tell you that cholesterol is bad for you. God put cholesterol in our body to help us heal, and it helps us make hormones. It's important for functioning in our brain and our nerves, especially in the sheath that runs around our nerves. So don't get too concerned about the fat and cholesterol contained in red meat, despite what you may hear in the news from time to time.

In fact, I have a YouTube video about beef that I made quickly while I was in the grocery store, which you can see HERE if you're interested.   

I Get It -- Good Meat Isn't Cheap! 

My wife, she loves steak. So, I regularly get her strip steak that is grass-fed. It's a little bit more pricey, but it's so good for you health-wise. I always tell people that when you get rid of all the junk food that the average American consumes, and then if you really change to more natural foods, you will see a big difference in your well-being.

If money's the real issue with you, you can start doing things that are going to promote better health like not eating out at restaurants as frequently, which is going to save you quite a bit. And if you do eat out at restaurants, choose the right foods to eat in that restaurant.

Snack foods, pizza deliveries, and all of the things that we regularly eat as Americans,  they're hurting our health. Foods like grass-fed beef help our health, and if you have to spend a little bit more money, there's no debating it: it's so worth the investment. 

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Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking it, because of something you have read on this website. Never rely on information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice.
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